Does she like me? Will I pass this test? If you’ve ever gazed into inky depths of an oversized plastic billiard ball with a pressing question, then you know the power of the Magic 8 Ball. But where did this fortune-telling favorite of the toy chest come from? And does it really work? Concentrate and ask again.
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Great Big Story is a video network dedicated to the untold, overlooked & flat-out amazing. Humans are capable of incredible things & we’re here to tell their stories. When a rocket lands in your backyard, you get in.
18.09.2024Me: will I die soon
Ball: yes
Me: well that sucks 😂
18.09.2024Juat one question! What even is this, the inspiration of the Ouija Board?!
18.09.2024What a load of 💩
18.09.2024magicy magic
18.09.2024I have a magic 8 ball for several years, is it normal for there blue dye to fade?
18.09.2024At first I was annoyed that the initial conclusion is that the 8ball was designed after a crystal ball, but now that I think of it, an 8ball really could be used as a scrying tool, especially if it's shiny. But it sucks that people take spiritualism and try to make it into something it's not in order to make some easy money.
18.09.2024In The Three Stooges nazi episode, is the first time I saw a magic 8ball. Which I’m sure is where the actual idea came from. She just figured out how to make it work.
18.09.2024GME to the mooon!!
18.09.2024I drank
18.09.2024For all this to begin with Fortune telling by a person who has a sidekick from the other world to 8 ball fortunetelling it’s still usable, but just don’t rely on it